Deep Learning Architectures

Neural architecture search for in-memory computing-based deep learning accelerators –


The rapid growth of artificial intelligence and the increasing complexity of neural network models are driving demand for efficient hardware architectures that can address power-constrained and resource-constrained deployments. In this context, the emergence of in-memory computing (IMC) stands out as a promising technology. For this purpose, several IMC devices, circuits and architectures have been developed. However, the intricate nature of designing, implementing and deploying such architectures necessitates a well-orchestrated toolchain for hardware–software co-design. This toolchain must allow IMC-aware optimizations across the entire stack, encompassing devices, circuits, chips, compilers, software and neural network design. The complexity and sheer size of the design space involved renders manual optimizations impractical. To mitigate these challenges, hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) has emerged as a promising approach to accelerate the design of streamlined neural networks tailored for efficient deployment on IMC hardware. This Review illustrates the application of HW-NAS to the specific features of IMC hardware and compares existing optimization frameworks. Ongoing research and unresolved issues are discussed. A roadmap for the evolution of HW-NAS for IMC architectures is proposed.

Key points

  • Hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) is an efficient tool in hardware–software co-design, and it can be combined with other architecture-level and system-level optimization techniques to design efficient in-memory computing (IMC) hardware for deep learning accelerators.

  • HW-NAS for IMC can be used for optimizing deep learning models for a specific IMC hardware, and co-optimizing a model and hardware design searching for the most efficient implementation.

  • In HW-NAS, it is important to define a search space, select an appropriate problem formulation technique, and consider the trade-off between performance, search speed, computation demands and scalability when selecting a search strategy and a hardware evaluation technique.

  • In addition to neural network model hyperparameters and quantization and pruning policies, HW-NAS for IMC can include the circuit-level and architecture-level hardware parameters in the search.

  • The main challenges in HW-NAS for IMC include a lack of unified framework to support different types of neural network models and different IMC hardware architectures, HW-NAS benchmarks and efficient software–hardware co-design techniques and tools.

  • Fully automated NAS methods capable of constructing new deep learning operations and algorithms suitable for IMC with minimal human design are needed.

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Fig. 1: Fundamentals of hardware-aware neural architecture search.
Fig. 2: Problem formulation methods in hardware-aware neural architecture search.
Fig. 3: Search strategies in hardware-aware neural architecture search.
Fig. 4: Hardware cost estimation methods for hardware-aware neural architecture search.
Fig. 5: Roadmap for hardware-aware neural architecture search for in-memory computing.
Fig. 6: Place of hardware-aware neural architecture search in hardware–software co-design.


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This work was supported by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology through the Competitive Research Grant program under grant URF/1/4704-01-01.

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O.K. researched data and wrote the article. O.K., M.E.F., K.E.M., A.S., A.M.E. and K.N.S. contributed substantially to discussion of the content. O.K., M.E.F., H.B., K.E.M., A.S., W.D.L., M.L., H.L., F.K., S.A.F., A.M.E. and K.N.S. reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission.

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Krestinskaya, O., Fouda, M.E., Benmeziane, H. et al. Neural architecture search for in-memory computing-based deep learning accelerators.
Nat Rev Electr Eng (2024).

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  • Accepted: 23 April 2024

  • Published: 20 May 2024

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